Results for 'Russell Wayne Sheeks'

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    Frederick L. Kumar 1916-1992.Wayne Sheeks - 1994 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 67 (4):142 - 143.
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    The Philosophy of Sycophancy.Wayne Sheeks - 1991 - Southwest Philosophy Review 7 (2):67-75.
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  3. Isocrates, Plato and Xenophon Against the Sophists.Wayne Sheeks - 1975 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 56 (3):250.
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  4. Service provision.Barbara J. Russell & W. J. Wayne Skinner - 2017 - In David B. Cooper, Ethics in mental-health substance use. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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    On Purpose: Four Concerns.Wayne Skinner & Barbara J. Russell - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 3 (2):61-63.
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    The Logical Structure of Russell's Negative Facts.Wayne A. Patterson - 1996 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 16 (1):45 - 66.
    This article uncovers the logical structure of Russell’s negative facts, which he postulated in his 1919 lectures on logical atomism as a way of accounting for the truth of negative propositions. It is argued that he subsequently abandoned his belief in the existence of negative facts because the latter could not be reconciled with his Principle of Acquaintance, a fundamental corner stone of his logical atomism. A proposed fine tuning of this Principle shows that the postulation of negative facts (...)
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    Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent.Wayne C. Booth - 1974 - University of Chicago Press.
    When should I change my mind? What can I believe and what must I doubt? In this new "philosophy of good reasons" Wayne C. Booth exposes five dogmas of modernism that have too often inhibited efforts to answer these questions.
  8. Propositions as Structured Cognitive Event‐Types.Wayne A. Davis - 2021 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 102 (3):665-692.
    According to act theories, propositions are structured cognitive act‐types. Act theories appear to make propositions inherently representational and truth‐evaluable, and to provide solutions to familiar problems with alternative theories, including Frege’s and Russell’s problems, and the third‐realm and unity problems. Act theories have critical problems of their own, though: acts as opposed to their objects are not truth evaluable, not structured in the right way, not expressed by sentences, and not the objects of propositional attitudes. I show how identifying (...)
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    Loose talk, the context of assessment, and skeptical invariantism.Wayne A. Davis - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Russell ([2022]. “Fancy Loose Talk About Knowledge.” Inquiry 65: 789–820.) defends a novel form of skeptical invariantism, according to which knowledge ascriptions are hardly ever true because they are so demanding, but nonetheless are ordinarily used loosely to communicate truths, where the felicity of loose talk is relative to the context of assessment as well as the context of use. I argue that while there is very good reason to believe that ‘know’ is a demanding term commonly used loosely, (...)
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  10. Cognitive propositions and semantic values.Wayne A. Davis - 2021 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 64 (4):383-423.
    ABSTRACT In recent work, Scott Soames has declared that we need a new conception of propositions to overcome critical objections to traditional theories of semantics and propositional attitudes. Propositions must be cognitive to account for their inherent intentionality, structure, and epistemic accessibility, and to overcome Frege’s and Russell’s problems. I have previously worked out a foundational semantics in which cognitive propositions are what sentences express. My objective in this paper is to identify some of the limitations of Soames’s theory, (...)
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  11. Impressions and Ideas: Vivacity as Verisimilitude.Wayne Waxman - 1993 - Hume Studies 19 (1):75-88.
    The thesis defended is that, for Hume, all vivacity, including that of impressions, is belief, and all belief, including the "infallibility" of the immediate given, is vivacity. This allows one to treat as different axes of description Hume's categories of perception (sensation, reflexion, and thought) and his categories of the consciousness of perception (belief, felt ease of transition), thus making it possible to defend his distinction between impressions and ideas against the criticisms of Ryle, Russell, and others. The article (...)
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  12. Spinoza: eighteenth and nineteenth-century discussions.Wayne I. Boucher (ed.) - 1999 - Sterling, Va.: Thoemmes Press.
    "monumental work" - The North American Spinoza Society Newsletter , February 1999 "The sheer volume of this anthology makes it an indispensable asset to any serious scholar of Spinozism. Certainly no academic library can do without it. The quality of the material gathered here is extremely impressive. To the professional scholar of early modern philosophy many of the criticisms it contains may well look superficial and outworn, but even the best-informed experts will find much in it that will surprise and (...)
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    Modern Language, Philosophy and Criticism.Wayne Deakin - 2023 - Springer Nature Switzerland.
    This books delineates the seismic shifts of the twentieth century humanities by way of a close examination of the dynamic landscape of modern language, criticism and philosophy. In this manner, it argues that both philosophy and literary criticism have dovetailed in the twenty-first century. Starting out as a survey of literary criticism in its broadest terms, later chapters - which are more expository - assess recent movements within modern literary theory. These are located with respect to the post-Russell and (...)
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    Are we only five minutes old? Acock on the age of the universe.Joseph Wayne Smith & Sharyn Ward - 1984 - Philosophy of Science 51 (3):511-513.
    Malcolm Acock attempts to show that three widely accepted “solutions” to the philosophical problem of theory choice between the ordinary account of the age of the universe, and “Russell's hypothesis” that the world sprang into existence five minutes ago, are unsatisfactory. In the following paper we shall attempt to show why “Russell's hypothesis” is defective as a cosmological explanation of the age of the universe.
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    European and American Philosophers.John Marenbon, Douglas Kellner, Richard D. Parry, Gregory Schufreider, Ralph McInerny, Andrea Nye, R. M. Dancy, Vernon J. Bourke, A. A. Long, James F. Harris, Thomas Oberdan, Paul S. MacDonald, Véronique M. Fóti, F. Rosen, James Dye, Pete A. Y. Gunter, Lisa J. Downing, W. J. Mander, Peter Simons, Maurice Friedman, Robert C. Solomon, Nigel Love, Mary Pickering, Andrew Reck, Simon J. Evnine, Iakovos Vasiliou, John C. Coker, Georges Dicker, James Gouinlock, Paul J. Welty, Gianluigi Oliveri, Jack Zupko, Tom Rockmore, Wayne M. Martin, Ladelle McWhorter, Hans-Johann Glock, Georgia Warnke, John Haldane, Joseph S. Ullian, Steven Rieber, David Ingram, Nick Fotion, George Rainbolt, Thomas Sheehan, Gerald J. Massey, Barbara D. Massey, David E. Cooper, David Gauthier, James M. Humber, J. N. Mohanty, Michael H. Dearmey, Oswald O. Schrag, Ralf Meerbote, George J. Stack, John P. Burgess, Paul Hoyningen-Huene, Nicholas Jolley, Adriaan T. Peperzak, E. J. Lowe, William D. Richardson, Stephen Mulhall & C. - 1991 - In Robert L. Arrington, A Companion to the Philosophers. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 109–557.
    Peter Abelard (1079–1142 ce) was the most wide‐ranging philosopher of the twelfth century. He quickly established himself as a leading teacher of logic in and near Paris shortly after 1100. After his affair with Heloise, and his subsequent castration, Abelard became a monk, but he returned to teaching in the Paris schools until 1140, when his work was condemned by a Church Council at Sens. His logical writings were based around discussion of the “Old Logic”: Porphyry's Isagoge, aristotle'S Categories and (...)
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  16. Wayne A. Patterson, Bertrand Russell's Philosophy of Logical Atomism. [REVIEW]Joseph Agassi - 1994 - Philosophy in Review 14:44-45.
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    Wayne's World” and the Philosophy of Play.Jason Holt - 2020 - In Ruth Tallman & Jason Southworth, Saturday Night Live and Philosophy: Deep Thoughts Through the Decades. John Wiley & Sons. pp. 131–140.
    Many of Mike Myers’ characters, both on Saturday Night Live (SNL) and in movies, take things either too seriously or too lightly. This chapter focuses on the pop‐cultural significance of “Wayne's World” by taking it broadly to include not just the SNL sketches but also the movies and various special appearances. In their way, Wayne Campbell and Garth (Dana Carvey) symbolize the importance of play, leisure, and fun in our lives, and in this respect touch on certain important (...)
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    Was St. Thomas Aquinas a Platonist?Luis Cortest - 1988 - The Thomist 52 (2):209-219.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:WAS ST. THOMAS AQUINAS A PLATONIST? FORTY YEARS AGO, few students would have called St. Thomas Aquinas a Platonist. At that time he was almost universally recognized as a brilliant exponent of medieval Aristotelianism. In fact, St. Thomas was considered by many to be a " pure " Aristotelian. This position was aptly expl'essed by Bertrand Russell, in his History of Western Philosophy : Aquinas, unlike his predecessors, (...)
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  19. Propositional or Non-Propositional Attitudes?Sean Crawford - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 168 (1):179-210.
    Propositionalism is the view that intentional attitudes, such as belief, are relations to propositions. Propositionalists argue that propositionalism follows from the intuitive validity of certain kinds of inferences involving attitude reports. Jubien (2001) argues powerfully against propositions and sketches some interesting positive proposals, based on Russell’s multiple relation theory of judgment, about how to accommodate “propositional phenomena” without appeal to propositions. This paper argues that none of Jubien’s proposals succeeds in accommodating an important range of propositional phenomena, such as (...)
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  20. Bayesianism and diverse evidence: A reply to Andrew Wayne.Wayne C. Myrvold - 1996 - Philosophy of Science 63 (4):661-665.
    Andrew Wayne discusses some recent attempts to account, within a Bayesian framework, for the "common methodological adage" that "diverse evidence better confirms a hypothesis than does the same amount of similar evidence". One of the approaches considered by Wayne is that suggested by Howson and Urbach and dubbed the "correlation approach" by Wayne. This approach is, indeed, incomplete, in that it neglects the role of the hypothesis under consideration in determining what diversity in a body of evidence (...)
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    Yours Faithfully, Bertrand Russell: A Lifelong Fight for Peace, Justice, and Truth in Letters to the Editor.Bertrand Russell & Ray Perkins - 2002 - Open Court Publishing.
    "Yet Russell was more than a great intellect; he was also a political animal. From the beginning of his long professional life he emphasized the importance of practice as well as theory. He was twice imprisoned by the British government for his political utterances. With his razor-sharp irony and morally impassioned rhetoric, Russell took on the forces of injustice, ignorance, and cruelty; one of his chief weapons was the letter to the editor.".
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    (1 other version)Interview: Wayne Silby.Wayne Silby - 1992 - Business Ethics 6 (6):28-30.
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    The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell.Bertrand Russell - 1967 - New York: Routledge.
    Bertrand Russell was born in 1872 and died in 1970. One of the most influential figures of the twentieth century, he transformed philosophy and can lay claim to being one of the greatest philosophers of all time. He was a Nobel Prize winner for Literature and was imprisoned several times as a result of his pacifism. His views on religion, education, sex, politics and many other topics, made him one of the most read and revered writers of the age. (...)
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    Wayne's World Growing up in Cleveland, Ohio, 1941-1963.Wayne J. Urban - 1995 - Educational Studies 26 (4):301-320.
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    Maroon Philosophy: An Interview with Russell “Maroon” Shoatz.Russell “Maroon” Shoatz & Lisa Guenther - 2015 - In Lisa Guenther, Geoffrey Adelsberg & Scott Zeman, Death and Other Penalties: Philosophy in a Time of Mass Incarceration. Fordham UP. pp. 60-74.
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  26. Bertrand Russell: premio Nobel per la letteratura 1950.Bertrand Russell - 1967 - [Fabbri].
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    The Russell memorandum.Bertrand Russell - 1970 - [Broadway, Brisbane,: Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation (Queensland Branch).
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    Gandhi and America's Educational Future. An Inquiry at Southern Illinois University. [By] Wayne A.R. Leys and P.S.S. Rama Rao, Etc.Wayne A. R. Leys, P. S. S. Rama Rao, K. L. Shrimali & N. A. Nikam - 1969 - Southern Illinois University Press.
    A project of the Gandhi Centennial Committee of Southern Illinois University, the book outlines the basic tenets of Gandhian philosophy as interpreted by Western thinkers, deals with problems of American education, and offers some reflec­tions on what kinds of solutions may be posed by educators, primarily at the university level. The Foreword and Epilogue are by two distinguished Indian educators, _K. L. Shrimali_, Vice-chancellor, and _N. A. Nikam_, former Vice-chancellor, University of Mysore.
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    L'autobiografia Di Bertrand Russell.Bertrand Russell - 1969 - Longanesi.
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  30. Cognition in Skilled Action: Meshed Control and the Varieties of Skill Experience.Wayne Christensen, John Sutton & Doris J. F. McIlwain - 2016 - Mind and Language 31 (1):37-66.
    We present a synthetic theory of skilled action which proposes that cognitive processes make an important contribution to almost all skilled action, contrary to influential views that many skills are performed largely automatically. Cognitive control is focused on strategic aspects of performance, and plays a greater role as difficulty increases. We offer an analysis of various forms of skill experience and show that the theory provides a better explanation for the full set of these experiences than automatic theories. We further (...)
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  31. Experts and Deviants: The Story of Agentive Control.Wayne Wu - 2016 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 93 (1):101-26.
    This essay argues that current theories of action fail to explain agentive control because they have left out a psychological capacity central to control: attention. This makes it impossible to give a complete account of the mental antecedents that generate action. By investigating attention, and in particular the intention-attention nexus, we can characterize the functional role of intention in an illuminating way, explicate agentive control so that we have a uniform explanation of basic cases of causal deviance in action as (...)
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  32. Attention as Selection for Action Defended.Wayne Wu - forthcoming - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research.
    Attention has become an important focal point of recent work in ethics and epistemology, yet philosophers continue to be noncommittal about what attention is. In this paper, I defend attention as selection for action in a weak form, namely that selection for action is sufficient for attention. I show that selection for action in this form is part of how we, the folk, experience it and how the cognitive scientist studies it. That is, selection for action pulls empirical and folk-psychology (...)
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    A Brief Introduction to Logical Atomism [review of Ali Benmakhlouf, Bertrand Russell: L'atomisme logique ].Russell Wahl - 1998 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 18 (2):184-187.
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  34. Understanding, knowledge, and the meno requirement Wayne D. Riggs.Wayne Riggs - manuscript
    Jonathan Kvanvig's book, The Value of Knowledge and the Pursuit of Understanding (Kvanvig, 2003), is a wonderful example of doing epistemology in a style that Kvanvig himself has termed "value−driven epistemology." On this approach, one takes questions about epistemic value to be central to theoretical concerns, including the concern to provide an adequate account of knowledge. This approach yields the demand that theories of knowledge must provide, not just an adequate account of the nature of knowledge, but also an account (...)
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    Chunking and consolidation: A theoretical synthesis of semantic networks, configuring in conditioning, S-R versus cognitive learning, normal forgetting, the amnesic syndrome, and the hippocampal arousal system.Wayne A. Wickelgren - 1979 - Psychological Review 86 (1):44-60.
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    Movements of the Mind: A Theory of Attention, Intention and Action.Wayne Wu - 2023 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Movements of the Mind is about what it is to be an agent. Focusing on mental agency, it integrates multiple approaches, from philosophical analysis of the metaphysics of agency to the activity of neurons in the brain. Philosophical and empirical work are combined to generate concrete explanations of key features of the mind. The book should be relevant and accessible to philosophers and scientists interested in mind and agency.
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  37. Attention as Selection for Action.Wayne Wu - 2011 - In Christopher Mole, Declan Smithies & Wayne Wu, Attention: Philosophical and Psychological Essays. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 97--116.
  38. Age differences in short-term retention of rapidly changing information.Wayne K. Kirchner - 1958 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 55 (4):352.
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    Beyond Chance and Credence: A Theory of Hybrid Probabilities.Wayne C. Myrvold - 2021 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Beyond Chance and Credence introduces a new way of thinking of probabilities in science that combines physical and epistemic considerations. Myrvold shows that conceiving of probabilities in this way solves puzzles associated with the use of probability and statistical mechanics.
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  40. Self-directed Agents.Wayne David Christensen & Cliff A. Hooker - 2001 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 31 (sup1):18-52.
    Wayne D. Christensen and Cliff A. Hooker.
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  41. Meaning, Expression and Thought.Wayne A. Davis - 2002 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This philosophical treatise on the foundations of semantics is a systematic effort to clarify, deepen and defend the classical doctrine that words are conventional signs of mental states, principally thoughts and ideas, and that meaning consists in their expression. This expression theory of meaning is developed by carrying out the Gricean programme, explaining what it is for words to have meaning in terms of speaker meaning, and what it is for a speaker to mean something in terms of intention. But (...)
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    Mr. F. C. Russell Still Demurs.Francis C. Russell - 1909 - The Monist 19 (4):620-627.
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  43. The Process Dynamics of Normative Function.Wayne David Christensen & Mark H. Bickhard - 2002 - The Monist 85 (1):3-28.
    Outlines the etiological theory of normative functionality. Analysis of the autonomous system; Function of systems-oriented approaches; Specifications of system identity.
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  44. Knowledge claims and context: loose use.Wayne A. Davis - 2007 - Philosophical Studies 132 (3):395-438.
    There is abundant evidence of contextual variation in the use of “S knows p.” Contextualist theories explain this variation in terms of semantic hypotheses that refer to standards of justification determined by “practical” features of either the subject’s context (Hawthorne & Stanley) or the ascriber’s context (Lewis, Cohen, & DeRose). There is extensive linguistic counterevidence to both forms. I maintain that the contextual variation of knowledge claims is better explained by common pragmatic factors. I show here that one is variable (...)
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  45. (1 other version)Open-mindedness.Wayne Riggs - 2010 - Metaphilosophy 41 (1-2):172-188.
    Abstract: Open-mindedness is typically at the top of any list of the intellectual or "epistemic" virtues. Yet, providing an account that simultaneously explains why open-mindedness is an epistemically valuable trait to have and how such a trait is compatible with full-blooded belief turns out to be a challenge. Building on the work of William Hare and Jonathan Adler, I defend a view of open-mindedness that meets this challenge. On this view, open-mindedness is primarily an attitude toward oneself as a believer, (...)
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    A causal theory of enjoyment.Wayne A. Davis - 1982 - Mind 91 (April):240-256.
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  47. Implicature: Intention, Convention, and Principle in the Failure of Gricean Theory.Wayne A. Davis - 1998 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
  48. Is Vision for Action Unconscious?Wayne Wu - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy 117 (8):413-433.
    Empirical work and philosophical analysis have led to widespread acceptance that vision for action, served by the cortical dorsal stream, is unconscious. I argue that the empirical argument for this claim is unsound. That argument relies on subjects’ introspective reports. Yet on biological grounds, in light of the theory of primate cortical vision, introspection has no access to dorsal stream mediated visual states. It is thus wrongly assumed that introspective reports speak to absent phenomenology in the dorsal stream. In light (...)
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    The Worst Things in Life.Wayne Sumner - 2020 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 97 (3):419-432.
    One important test of adequacy for a theory of welfare is completeness. To be complete a theory must cover ill-being as well as well-being. Call this the ill-being test for a theory. The author’s aim in this article is to determine how well equipped the leading theories of welfare are to pass this test. The author reaches three modest conclusions: passing the test is not straightforward for any theory; on the whole, subjective theories do better than objective ones; within the (...)
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  50. Reliability and the value of knowledge.Wayne D. Riggs - 2002 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 64 (1):79-96.
    Reliabilism has come under recent attack for its alleged inability to account for the value we typically ascribe to knowledge. It is charged that a reliably-produced true belief has no more value than does the true belief alone. I reply to these charges on behalf of reliabilism; not because I think reliabilism is the correct theory of knowledge, but rather because being reliably-produced does add value of a sort to true beliefs. The added value stems from the fact that a (...)
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